Friday, February 24, 2012

Obama's Agreement on Birth Control

   President Obama's agreement on birth control in his health care reform has caused an uproar in the Catholic community. He stated that birth control will be seen as a preventive measure and employer's insurance policies not businesses must provide free contraception to women. Obama them stated about 99% of women have used some sort of birth control in their lives. Insurance companies see this preventive care as a way to save money on pregnancy's and births associated with conception. 
   E.J. Dionne who is a liberal catholic states that the government did a good job regulating between government and religion. Stating that "President Obama did today what he should have done at the very beginning: He honored the fact that religious groups, including the Catholic Church, had legitimate religious liberty claims in the battle over a contraception mandate under the new health care law. And he did so while still holding to his commitment to expanding contraception coverage as broadly as possible (Link)."
   Many conservative catholics are against this compromise expressing concern and conflict with teaching from the church. Conservative catholics are not happy with the "preventive care" expressing the importance of life and that the reform is interfering with church and state.
    As a liberal catholic myself I agree with the compromise on birth control. Many many catholics disagree but I feel women do need the options. I see many catholics who have 5 or more children and I feel its two much for anyone to handle. In our society today those values of not taking contraception is over. More and more catholics are turning to birth control because of the economic impact a child has on the family and society. It is a women's choice to decide weather to take contraception or not.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unemployment Rate Drops to 8.3%.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the numbers that the unemployment rate dropped two points from December. The lowest it’s been in three years, the rate that it was when Obama was elected into office. The small but optimistic drop rate gave investors on Wall Street spurts of buying helping up points on the Dow and Nasdaq. Obama said, “ The economy is growing stronger and the Recovery is speeding up”. Many believe this growth is to small to have significant impact on the economy that it's too soon to relax. To keep momentum we still have to create a lot more jobs.  I believe my classmates should read this because it gives many American’s hope that our economy is doing better. After all Unemployment affects  Americans as taxpayers who help support unemployment benefits, along with various other benefits out of work Americans are in titled to.